Practical Info

The festival takes place on the last weekend in August every year.

Opening hours

Saturday 24. August: 12.00 – 20.00
Sunday 25. August: 12.00 – 20.00

– Lounge area to relax
– Children’s area (activities)
– Sale of food from participants who cook authentic food from their home country:

About Oslo Food Festival

We are gathering food experiences from all over the world at Birkelunden 26-27. August.

At the Oslo Food Festival, the city’s residents from far and near come together with their local specialities. Somali sambosa, Argentinian barbecue or perhaps French finesse? At the Oslo Food Festival we celebrate diversity.

You will be served by both local and renowned restaurants, as well as private individuals with a genuine interest in their country’s food culture!


What is unique about Oslo Food Festival?

Oslo food festival is a unique happening because we gather food culture directly from all the homes of the world. Not only do well-known and lesser-known restaurants that comes, but there are also very special dining experiences straight from the private homes of the people of Oslo. All homes have a special dish they return to. At the Oslo food festival, you get the opportunity to try new unknown and well-known dishes from Asia, Africa and America.

Countries Participating in 2023
Photos from last year's Food Festival
Collaboration Partners